Media Production

Freelance Media Production

12/03 NDR German Television; Associate Producer. Produced: 1) a show on expatriate life in Dubai, 2) Development of Dubai into a modern commercial metropolitan city.
21/12/03 MBC Channel 2; TV Commercial Production. Featured in the making of the commercial and opening title for the promotion of the “Big Brother” Show.
6/03 Potifex Media Center; Production Associate. Documentary on the life and works of Prof. Abdelwahab Elmessiri, a noted Islamic scholar in Cairo.
20/6/02 Abu Dhabi TV; Assistant Producer. Assisted in producing a segment for the Dunya Show about Akram Yusri, an Arab/Muslim American running for Congress in New Jersey. The segment was titled: Arabs and Muslims engaging in political activism in the US.
9/5/02 PBS, Frontline; Assisted in a Feature Production. Featured in a documentary called “Muslims” as the co-founder of Muslims against Terrorism.
4/5/02 Dutch Public Television; Assisted in a Feature Production. Featured in a segment called “Freedom” as a Muslim American speaking about the concept of Freedom for Muslims in America.
11/2/02 Noggin TV; Assisted in a Feature Production. Assisted in producing the show “In Your Shoes”: A Christian teenage girl experiences the life of a Muslim teenage girl for 2 days.
7/10/01 BNN Broadcast; Assisted in Feature Production. Assisted in producing a documentary titled: “7 Days Post 9/11”.
30/9/01 CBS News, 60 Minutes; Assisted Ed Bradley in the Feature Production of the segment,” Who are the radicals and how are Muslims in America different from those who attacked the country two weeks ago?” Appearing were Imam Faisal Rauf, Shaikh Hamza Yusuf, Imam Seraj Wahhaj, Professor Farid Esack.